A new group of 26 students from 16 different countries started mid of March 2022 with the IMLA (International Master of Landscape Architecture) programme on the campus in Freising-Weihenstephan. The students come from Bosnia Herzegovina, Brazil, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Italy, Kosovo, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Thailand and the USA.
The IMLA team is very much looking forward to working with the new students, half of whom have a Landscape Architecture Bachelor degree, while the others come from an architecture, urban planning or fine arts background. This broad and interdisciplinary students' composition will be a very good basis for the team-oriented work in the summer term's 'Main Project I' with a thematic focus on
Freising Waterscapes.
The project work starts with a landscape analysis in the region between Freising and Oberschleißheim. Afterwards the students will develop concepts for the Moosach river as a connector in the urban periphery.
The project is part of the 'WAVE' Erasmus partnership. WAVE stands for 'Water Areas Visions in Europe'. WAVE is a cooperation of six universities (among others Nürtingen-Geislingen University (HfWU) and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT), the two IMLA partner universities) and three NGO-partners. WAVE students are connected by an international online course organised in parallel to their studies on local water landscapes in the so-called WAVE living labs. The WAVE programme aims at involving an interdisciplinary audience of students as agents of transformative change for the benefits of the local water landscapes. More information can be found here.