On 25th and 28th of January 2019, shortly before the end of the winter term, the IMLA team invited representatives of five very well-known German Landscape Architecture offices for a two-days workshop with the IMLA students in Freising-Weihenstephan:
Marie Baldenweck and Polina Palo (bauchplan ).( , Munich, Vienna)
Tim Corvin Kraus (Gerber Architekten GmbH, Hamburg)
Petra Stautner (Stautner + Schäf, Munich)
Doris Grabner (grabner huber lipp, Freising)
Birgit Kröniger (ver.de, Freising)
The idea was to set up a programme which links studies at the university with professional practice. On both days the guest critiques were asked to introduce themselves with a guest lecture about their office including current projects and working methods.
In the afternoons the IMLA students presented the current status of their study projects and discussed their concepts and graphics with the invited professionals.
The workshop was supported by the programme 'Förderung des Studienerfolgs ausländischer Vollstudierender' of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science.